Squeaky Wheel is pleased to announce our 13th Animation Fest! This traveling, rollicking show is a signature event for the organization, as we travel with the program and present it in a number of different locations, cities, and contexts. Designed for ages 6 and up, this family-friendly affair is a yearly showcase, featuring some of the most innovative artists working across media, shapes, and colors.
- Deadline is 11:59pm, Eastern Time on June 21st, 2016.
- Submissions should not exceed 10 minutes.
- Please note that the Squeaky Wheel Animation Fest is designed for ages 6 and up.
- One submission per person.
- Incomplete or partially answered applications will not be considered.
- No submission fees!
Notification regarding your submission will be sent out in July. All included works will receive a modest honorarium of $50 per screening.
The first screening of the 13th Animation Fest will take place following the Media Alleycat Bike Race on August 6th, 2016. Please direct any questions to Ekrem Serdar at ekrem@squeaky.org