Squeaky Wheel hosts gallery exhibitions, screenings, and other special events year-round, with visiting artists, special workshops, off-site events, and much more. We feature filmmakers and artists who make challenging and critical inquiries to media art: its possibilities, histories, and the communities it can hold and form.
Exhibitions are free for the general public. Our regular events admission is $10 for the general public and $7 for members of Squeaky Wheel unless otherwise noted.
Regular events are free for ArtsAccess Pass Holders. ArtsAccess can also provide free transportation if requested at least two weeks ahead of time. Squeaky Wheel is now an official ArtsAccess sign up location. Find out how to be a part of the ArtsAccess program here.
You can find accessibility information about our venue here. See individual event pages for event-specific accessibility, including ASL interpretation, virtual and hybrid events, and more.
Since 2017, Squeaky Wheel has been certified from Working Artists for the Greater Economy (W.A.G.E.), committing to paying all our artists fair wages.